Puppies Cute Puppies Saying Funny Things
Puppies are adorable. When they cuddle with you, they bring a smile to your face. That is the power of puppies. People love to play and care for puppies a lot.
We know that you guys are looking for puppy quotes, so we have collected one of the best cute and funny puppy quotes for you; take a look.
Puppy Quotes
Happiness is a warm puppy.
Every bride is beautiful. It's like newborn babies or puppies. They can't help it.
He had the appeal of a very young dog of a very large breed — a kind of amiable absurdity.
I'm convinced that petting a puppy is good luck.
Everything is an inspiration. If you look at the world as the incredible place it is, then each moment is a feast.
I'm not alone," said the boy. "I've got a puppy.
No, I wanna go kick puppies," she retorted.
I wish I lived in your world, where it's sunshine and puppies all the time.
And I figured that he can be my ears and I can be his eyes. A good trade-off, don't you think?
Puppies are God's idea of a perfect workout program.
Puppies are born with the genes for love, but it still takes a village to raise a loving dog.
Sometimes, looking into the distance, one may fail to notice things under one's feet and stumble.
Puppy Love Quotes
Hard to forget first puppy love.
Every time I think about that girl, my mind commits a sin.
I'd never before been infatuated with someone living, someone real.
Sometimes, he gets on my nerves; At other times, I burn the ladder.
Naughty? Me? I'm just a sheepdog puppy who wants to have fun.
You can invent your ways to take care of the puppies.
When you feel lousy, puppy therapy is indicated.
A puppy is but a dog, plus high spirits, and minus common sense. – Agnes Repplier
Whoever said you can't buy Happiness forgot little puppies.
Buy a pup and your money will buy Love unflinching that cannot lie. – Rudyard Kipling
People have been asking me if I was going to have kids, and I had puppies instead. – Kate Jackson
Dog Puppy Quotes
You can't pee like a puppy if you wanna run with the big dogs.
I would rather be beaten, and be a man than to be elected and be a little puppy dog.
There are all sorts of cute puppy dogs, but it doesn't stop people from going out and buying Dobermans.
Training a puppy is like raising a child. Every single interaction is a training opportunity.
I like to say I'm like a puppy in a room of cats.
Put a puppy in your picture, and it will make it 20 times better.
A puppy plays with every pup he meets, but an old dog has few associates.
Gotta take my puppy on the road with me, Killer.
A puppy is an ultimate distraction.
Just as a puppy can be more of a challenge than a gift, so too can the holidays.
Puppy Quotes Short
These puppy mills are horrific. It's totally for-profit breeding. It's despicable.
It's hard to boo a puppy. You can't boo a handful of puppies.
I would love to get a pug. A puppy, a baby pug – I just want one so bad.
Biden's about as disciplined as a puppy, OK?
For exercise, I now run with my chocolate Lab puppy, Oscar.
There's a puppy store near where I live. They know me by name in there because I go so often.
It's just me and my 6-month-old puppy. I am not dating anyone.
We have a new puppy and that's enough! Two babies and three dogs are enough.
I used to work at a puppy nursery.
Puppy Quotes Funny
If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. — Will Rogers
The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man's. — Mark Twain
Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog. — Franklin P. Jones
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. — Groucho Marx
A dog desires affection more than its dinner. Well – almost. — Charlotte Gray
Dogs teach us a very important lesson in life: The mailman is not to be trusted. — Sian Ford
There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face. — Bernard Williams
The average dog is a nicer person than the average person. — Andy Rooney
Dogs never bite me. Just humans. — Marilyn Monroe
I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult. — Rita Rudner
Cute Puppy Quotes
What do dogs do on their day off? Can't lie around – that's their job! -George Carlin
My cats inspire me daily. They inspire me to get a dog!
To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs. –Aldous Huxley
Some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant.
It all started when my dog began getting free rollover minutes. –Jay London
Do you want a friend in Washington? Get a dog. – Harry Truman
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Source: https://a1lifequotes.com/puppy-quotes.html
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